Saturday, October 24, 2015

"The Cows Lose Their Home"—How It Began

"Daisy Hill Farm was named in honor of Louise Jenks, know as Daisy, who was the hostess at Roundwood Manor, the business retreat of the Van Sweringens. History writes that, "one day in the 1920’s O. P. Van Sweringen took a good look at the T-shaped barn and saw beyond it. Why not make that into the guest house they wanted? As Roundwood Manor, their name for the house, went up, it was the talk of Cleveland. - O. P. and M. J. cringed at publicity and were careful that little about their castle-in-the-country got out. What they spent on it could only be surmised, though it was freely heralded as over $2 million. Much of the barn was incorporated in the metamorphosis. The main downstairs room which measured 80 by 40 feet, had evolved from the hay loft. Its beamed ceiling was an architectural detail to which the Vans were partial, particularly if the wood was oak. Left intact were the great meat hooks from which some long-ago farmer had hung his hams, his sides of beef and slaughtered lambs. The hooks can be seen today in the house. The old barn had been flanked by two silos. Both became wings of the house, part of the first making one of several sitting rooms. The other encased glassed spiral stairway that afforded private access to second floor guest suites.” 
"The Cows Lose Their Home", Copyright 1966 The Plain Dealer