"No lights were visible in the Van Sweringens’ residence when their friend and hostess, Louise Jenks, slipped out of her home and walked briskly across the former meadow toward Roundwood Manor on Christmas morning 1928. She could see the figures wending their way toward the Big House from staff cottages and workers’ quarters that dotted the estate. Forty of the Vans’ employees and their children had accepted Mrs. Jenks’ invitation to join her at 7 a.m. in waking up Roundwood Manors’ masters and their business guests with a spirited of Old English caroling. The Ship Room engulfed with a 24-foot Christmas tree around which were heaped toys and presents for Daisy Hill employees and their children. Mrs. Jenks shopped year round for these gifts. M.J. and O.P. regarded Mrs. Jenks’ Christmas celebration with some satisfaction. Once poor farm boys whose mother had to deny Oris the little red wagon he desired, the brothers were now rich enough to act on Oris’ wish never to see another boy or girl cry for the want of a toy. Not only had the Van Sweringens overcome poverty — an achievement they had in common with several of their Hunting Valley neighbors — they could also count themselves among the most influential shapers of modern-day Cleveland.”
Hunting Valley, A History by Diana Tittle and Mark Gottlieb
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